Why Jealousy in Blogging Could Destroy a Blogger's Career?

Why Jealousy in Blogging Could Destroy a Blogger's Career?
Perhaps, this is not the most anticipated topic this time of year, but after the recent conflicts that I have seen has made me think that jealousy and envy might turn out to be a silent devil for the Blogging community. There are two kinds of Bloggers, one who are Professional, second who are Beginners (The one who has just landed in the Blogosphere). I am sure that I am not the only one who has felt the pride and jealousy because it is a common nature of human beings. There is no doubt that selfishness might turn a PRO Blogger into a Selfish person, but Jealousy is something that literally brutalizes a career of a webmaster. Therefore, today in this article, we will be discussing that Why Jealousy Could Destroy a Blogger's Career.

Let’s start off with by revising the real meaning of Jealousy:

  • Jealousy:  It is a part of human emotions that typically refer to the negative feelings, fears, nervousness over an anticipated loss of something, and uncertainties that particularly refer to a Human connection.  Jealousy usually consists of negative emotions such as, anger, bitterness, inadequacy, feebleness and hatred. 
To be honest, every single person whether he is a Blogger or a business man has a slight corner in his heart where Jealousy remains alive. It horrible to get jealousy from others success, but it is a bitter truth that should be accepted by each and every one. Consider the Following Quotation that would enlighten your thoughts about Jealousy.
Don't waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind.
The above quotation has cleared all the misconception that we had in our minds because, jealousy could not bring happiness instead it would bury a person into the dirt. Wasting time by getting jealous of another is not among the etiquette of a decent person because sometimes we are ahead, sometime we are behind.

How a Blogger Should Control Jealous Feelings: 

Now Let’s Talk.  How and what we can do to get rid of these feelings. I Think the Above quotation from SYED has given the accurate answer in just few words. So here are the few things that might help in uprooting the tree of Jealousy.  

Stop Comparing Yourself With Others: We always compare our websites with other. The moment we compare them, our feelings gets out of control and thus, we started to feel feebleness. In spite of comparing your site with other PRO Blogs, we should carry on with the abilities we have. More importantly, make use of the skills. Just keep in mind that your originality will help you to mimic the success of another.
“Stop comparing yourself with others. If they are good at something, you too are good at something else.
Focus on your qualities: People spend a lot of times in identifying what he does right than what he do wrong. We all commit blunders and mistakes. But why should we remind them? Always believe that I am the Man, who has his own abilities. I don’t see complications, I See opportunities.  We feel that, by being positive and always remembering the success helps enormously in overcoming the feeling of Jealousy. Just take negativity out of your brains and smell the freshness in the atmosphere. We don’t know much about an unknown person, but you are the one who knows everything about yourselves. Therefore, you are the ideal guy to pick your positivity and dump your negativities.
Almost every man wastes part of his life attempting to display qualities which he does not possess
Network your jealousy into motivation: Before jealousy eats up your will, think about what can be done. Do not feel jealous for a long period because it will make you mad and irritation would be at its peak. Don’t waste your energy in anger or distrust. Allow the jealousy to lighten up your power and bring an even better well motivated person. Instead of letting jealousy destroy your passion, turn it around and make it a piece of gold. Networking your Jealousy into something that would benefit a person in the ideal way of getting rid of stress and emotional behavior.  

From The Editor’s Desk:

There are no two opinions about Jealousy. It is a kind of human emotion that takes time to control. Being a Blogger, we all have to learn this art. A CPU without a Monitor is just like a jealous Blogger who knows all but can’t work until he controls his emotions. Avoiding Emotions during Blogging take a lot of time, but it is possible. Does anyone feel jealousy as a blogger? How do you deal with it? Feel free to leave your comments. Take care, till then, Peace, Blessings and Happy Learning.

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).

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Choose Wisely!


January 10, 2013 at 2:08 PM

Great Syed... You are the Man...!!
I always think before sharing or talking about something, that should i say it? or not?
And this thing really annoye me.
Your today's article just boast my energy to overcome all my these negativites.


January 10, 2013 at 7:17 PM

Awesome article
However I would like to thank u coz I have been an honest student if Mbl and I have reached q level where I have started getting sponsored advertisements
Thanks a ton
YourpcGenie will always be thankful to u

January 10, 2013 at 7:19 PM

Blogging is all about working towards a better internet or spreading your thoughts. I feel there is no need for jealousy or fight between bloggers. If you do not get proper credits, even I will feel anger sometimes. But DMCA is there is to take down. One with the original article and content will always rock :)

Gireesh - www.CoreBlogging.in

January 10, 2013 at 8:34 PM

Really inspiring and good article. I am impressed. Truly speaking, I was jealous of some people, but after reading this article, a new confidence has awoke inside me. Thanks for lovely article syed!

Editorial Team MOD
January 10, 2013 at 10:46 PM

Well, I always Implement Quaid-e-Azam's Quote.

"Think a Hundred Time Before You Take a Decision.
But once the Decision is Taken Stand by it as One Man"

So Thinking and then Talking is an impressive Quality and every blogger should work over it. Its Great to forget the past and concentrate on future. Take a Lot Care Buddy. Peace

Editorial Team MOD
January 10, 2013 at 10:50 PM

Oh, The Whole MBL Team is thankful to you for giving such an Awesome Remark. I Guess its your motivation which has allowed to you reach the peak. We are just telling you the right way. It depends on the person how he applies it. So All the credit is yours :) 99% your Hardwork and 1% our Help :). Take Care Buddy. Peace

Editorial Team MOD
January 10, 2013 at 10:53 PM

Well, I Wish everyone could think Like you Pal but there are some negative aspects too. Since, Five Fingers are not Equal. We can't say every single person on this earth is an Angel. Yap, There is no place for Jealousy and Negative Emotions in our Heart but we can't stop others from it. I Really Love DMCA More power to you. Peace Buddy.

Editorial Team MOD
January 10, 2013 at 10:55 PM

Well, We are pleased that this article helped you in overcoming your negative emotions. Keep the Tails UP. Take care peace.

January 11, 2013 at 5:01 AM

Why you did you write this post today. Aren't you jealous of Muhammad who just married. Just kidding.
A very unique topic and you covered it as if you are a 60-year old writer. Take it as a great compliment for you because your vision and depth in thoughts is quite deeper than your age. Thanks for sharing such a great post. Stay blessed

January 12, 2013 at 12:06 AM

Yay..!! Great Tips.. You made a good job and hard work in this site buddy.. Thank you for sharing more tips to us.. I learned a lot from this site.. and also we are expecting more great tips from this site in the future..

Blog: MoreBlogTools

Editorial Team MOD
January 12, 2013 at 11:36 AM

LOL, I publish my articles 20 minutes Earlier then Mustufa. I am just 17, so no plays in my mind about that. Feeling free.

Thanks for the great compliment, now i am starting to feel bit old. Thanks for writing a gorgeous comment. Take care buddy. Peace

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