Most of the people always prefer to choose to give a healthy start to their blogging career. The fact is quite clear that first it is free-to-use (no need to spend a single penny over purchasing domain or hosting) and second it is easy to use. The only price that you may pay for choosing this FREE platform is that, it has lots of limitations. Unfortunately, has lots of limitations which we will be discussing in today’s article (What are the limitations of Blogger Account).
Number of Blogs:
You can create 100 different blogs per account. However, in case the limit gets exceeded then Google authorities have the right to not only disable your account but also restrict your access to your blogs. Therefore, always keep in mind that your blog lists does not exceed the 100 mark.
Number of Posts:
Fortunately, there are no such limits for the number of posts. You can create unlimited posts with unlimited content. All the posts would be saved into your account, and they will be there until or unless you deleted them manually. In case you unwantedly delete the posts, then they can be recovered through Google History Cache.
Size of Pages:
Separate pages (the main page of your site, the archive pages and the post pages) are limited to 1 MB in size. This will allow you to add hindered pages of text. However, if you list 100 posts on either home or achieve pages then it might exceed the size limit, and it would display an error message such as, "006 please contact Blogger Support”. You can get rid of this error by decreasing the number of posts on your main page.
Account Suspension:
Blogger has some strict rules and regulations. They suspend a site or even your whole account if it is suspected that you are violating their any terms of service. Once, the site gets suspended then there is hardly any chance of recovering it back. does not send notifications before banning an account, it means there is no warning for the website owner. Once the blog gets suspended the domain would be on hold, and no one can use the same domain again.Number of Comments:
There are no such limits in the number of comments. A Post can have unlimited comments. It depends on you whether you show the comments or hide them from your posts, but the pre-existing comments would be remained saved in your account. You can enable the comments anytime you like.
Size of Pictures:
There is no size limit of a single picture. However, if you are uploading a picture through your mobile or smartphones then it should not bigger than 250K per picture. Remember: 1 Blog has 1 Gigabyte of FREE image hosting.
Length or Size of Posts:
There are no such limitations for the length of the individual posts. However, if your posts are too long then they might exceed the page Size Limits (See the next point to elaborate the size limitations).
Number of Stand-Alone Pages:
You can only create 20 Stand-Alone pages per blog (example of a stand-alone page:
Storage Limit of Pictures:
The storage limit for pictures is 1 GB (Gigabytes), which are linked to your Picasa account. Even if you delete them from your pages it would be still available on your Picasa Account.
Number of Labels:
You can create 5000 unique labels per blog and can use 20 unique labels per post.
Team Members:
You can add up to 100 members per blog.
We would recommend you to
continue using this FREE platform, but make sure you get rid of BlogSpot domain
and transform it to .com because it has much more flexible options. Incase
Google delete your site due to some policy violation then you can move your
site to WordPress. However, if you do not have a .com Domain then you would be
left empty handed. Now the decision is yours either take it or leave it.

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).
1 GB of Image Storage means a lot right ?
If we transfer the same blog from Blogger to Wordpress, will we loose the ranks our blog had ?
You also can not publish more than 50+ posts in one day :)
Make Money with web designing
No, you can even publish 1000+ posts per day. However, after publishing 50 Posts in a day you have to enter Captcha so that Google can guess whether you are posting through a Bot or Real Human.
If you want to remove the "Captcha" then you can contact the Blogger Support they will check your Blogs stats and reputations and they will grant you to post with even entering Captcha.
Hope that Helps.
Yes, 1 GB is enough for you.
Yeah, You can migrate it to WordPress. However, your might loose a Few Search engine ranking but after a while it will be back. Hopefully.
My friend got his blog deleted by Google and he contact them and they undeleted for him. But the thing is he only can view it but not anyone meaning it's no longer public blog. Thank you for the post.
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Amazing post + amazing information = Mybloggerlab
And is there no limit to bandiwidth also? I mean unlimited bandwidth??
There is no Limit in Blogger. But one thing that I can afraid is the suspension... My first blog is suspended without reasons. All my Google Accounts are Gone..!! So, be careful as always...
Yup, it has unlimited bandwidth
Ya dude. My well going website had been banned without any single reason!/
thanks Ali for the Information.
I guess the main limitation if restriction in terms of SEO process. In wordpress you can perform SEO activity in more better way..
Achin Jain from
Thanks bro well informatio about blogger.
Helpfull information... Thanks
vow it means I should continue my blog over after readings its benefits that are obviously more than its limitations. Thanks for sharing and have a look at my new post
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Dude, I want to know that BuySellAds is like Adsense which pays with every click or Pay Per Sale?
Yes, its Pay Per sale!
Great article. SEO is quite easy if we understand the basic things. You must know the current Google Policies.
A logic and good web design is the first step of SEO.
more information to click here
More Read to see
how much bandwidth does blogger allows?
Does blogger has limitations on bandwidth?
I have heard that Blogger will delete the blog if the traffic of the blog reaches a million visits per month. Is it true? If not, what is the maximum number of pageviews that a blogger blog can handle?
Unlimited Pageviews, unlimited bandwidth. Don't worry about that.
Thanks, I just create 10 blogs in my google account
The blogger can handle unlimited page views,
Thanks, that was very informative. I'm just starting my blogging career and I have found google blogger the easiest to use.
Labels: Up to 2000 unique labels per blog and 20 per post
see this
MBL team
Should we change only domain or get new hosting also?
There is no need to using hosting with blogger
Can we blog about Cydia, jailbreaking and cracked apps on blogspot?
Are you aware of any way to exceed the label limit on individual posts or of a blog-site which offers unlimited label options. The blog I want to make requires use of a lot of interconnected labels and the limitations blogger has in this regard do not offer me the flexibility I need. Be curious if you know of any ways around this.
We cannot bypass Blogger Limitations!
Max comment limit is 400,
edit your post
You are not right mate
Number of Comments: A post can have any number of comments.
please do tell me the procedure of uploading the files and all that
You mean Uploading Images?
Now when I think about it, I should get a blogspot platform for my blog.Because it is almost without limitation.
Yes.... u r right
Yes you should :)
How to get back deleted blog post.
blog post was deleted due to my mistake. how to recover them.
I have good experience with blogger. Unfortunately today my hostinger account is suspended due to high visitor. I spend 3 months and made a nice blog for my community. The one big thing i forget is to take a backup, a big loss for me :(
Well I have a nice experience with SEO going to make an another site with same domain name and this time with blogger.///
One ques I know my phpmyadmin username. Is there any way to backup my data? I dont know the password though. If any one here know how to retrieve than please reply.
Please read this guide on how to recover your posts.
Is there any expiry date of the blog? Or if we dont post on blog then it will expire?
No blogs don't expire.
Hi..from few days,when I am going to share the post of Blogger to Google +,my profile image is being appeared with the post,instead with image of relative post...can you pls help me out.
Follow this tutorial for the fix
Nice Post. Thanks (I was looking for the Bandwidth and got answered)
no buysell ads is neither cpc nor cost per sales. you have to set the price for each ad slots yourself.
I am little confused about what is number of blog ?
My blog address is and these days m using custom domain
M unable to understand what is number of blog.
I know number of post (it means whatever article we write)
Please elaborate and give some live example of any blogger one who use many blogs in single account.
Your domain is a 1 blog. Blogger allows 100 domains to be added on a single Account.
hi i want to create mp3 downloads site in blogspot. so plz tell me blogspot suppot mp3 files? if not is there any other free hosting with unlimited uploading .
fb :
Please read this article to hose files
i am created 30 pages what is the limit of pages?
hi there. Any new Adsense adds have been disabled in my new blogs. I have 50 blog pages. What is going on ? Have a reached a limit ?
I am a blogger since 3 years, But these points i got to know now only after reading your blog thank you for detailed information.
it means i can upload photos only upto 1gb in my blog. is my blog. so how can i run my blog after the limit..
also tell me about shifting from blogger to wordpress and getting .com instead of .blogspot
thanks in advance
waiting for your valuable suggestions
Thanks for sharing
Just check, whether you have had any image posted in your post or not, in such case, they detect your profile pix
I think there will be change in label URLs because of different category / tags URL on both platforms. What say???
Thanks for explanation.
But how to tell to the Blog show at once all (more than 50) comments to post?
Currently it shows only 50 and I need click "Show more" - an unnoticeable button...
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