5 Insane Ways to Advertise Your Blog/Website Free of cost

How many people have ever tried to promote their website through Local or internet marketing methods? In the blogosphere, we would hardly see an individual who has not played any role to promote his website because in this day and age, we cannot taste the feast without applying the correct and accurate promotional tactics. People always promote their sites with indifferent methods (those methods which are constantly use by others). For that reason, the expectator often get bored and desire to see something outstanding, something lovely and something that could produce sparks in their bodies. How about putting accelerator on the paddle and inventing some insane ways of promoting the websites? Therefore, today in this article, we will discuss 5 insane ways of Promoting your Website effectively. 

Before, we proceed let’s recall the meaning of INSANE: 

  • Insanity: Insane and craziness are two words of the same kind. It is a type an outrageous performance which is often labeled as insane. In the modern age, insanity is most commonly characterized as an unscientific term or mental instability.
We have done a lot of research work in collecting the most insane ways of promoting our website. Therefore, all ways are unique in their own department. Guys fasten your seat belts because we are up and ready for an outrageous roller-coaster ride. 

5 Insane Ways of Promoting Your Website Effectively:

Wall Chalking : 
A local Pakistani method of promoting your products is wall chalking. Now some people would be thinking what does the term Wall Chalking means? It is a type of advertisement (poster) that people paste on the walls of different bus stops and the empty walls near their street. The advertising could be done with the help of Posters or via sketching advertisements on the walls. Those who are living in ASIA can easily make use of this technique absolutely free of cost. However, people living in Europe, USA or Middle East might have to pay a fine for wall chalking so try it at your own risk. Welcome to the insane blogging. 
Public Toilets : 
Ah! Public toilets are not only meant for passing out the wear and tear. If we run the houses of our brains then, it is the freakiest way of promoting the website. If anyone is hesitating or feeling shame then, he should not because out of every 10 Toilets we would find at least 5 toilets fill with most bizarre jokes, quotations and even phone numbers. Therefore, do not shy or hesitate to use them for marking, promoting and whatever stuff according to the desire needs.  

School, College Whiteboards : 
Yes, we can even use our schools and colleges for promotion. Amazed? Let me show you how. Every school/college has a Classroom. In the classroom, we usually have white/black boards. Now, all we have to do is to write the Website URL on the board of the Classroom with BIG BOLD letters so children sitting at the last bench could easily read it. Now it depends upon your creativity that how well you present your website. Try to reach early at your desired institutes and filled the classroom’s board with your creativity.
Sandy Cars/Vehicles :
Anyone remember, in childhood we use to write on the dusty mirrors of a Car. Since, the mirrors of cars often get dusty. Therefore, it gets a lot hell easier to write on them. Those people who live near a parking lot then they have the chance to make use of it. Go to the Parking lot and look around for the dirtiest car (filled with dust and sand). Just write your BLOG URL, name and whatever you like. Now, wherever that car would travel it would endorse your site free of cost until the car owner cleans up the mess which you have made.
Shouting on Streets :
This may look bizerk, but it is the most prominent way of promotion. Yup it needs lots of guts. However, it is the cheapest way to divert people’s attention towards your site/product. Try to select the most Crowdy area near your home, connect a loud speaker and start shouting about your site. People may not divert towards you until or unless your way of presentation is good enough. May be a small act or a concert would be ideal for promotion. Do try it out. 

From The Editor's Desk:

So how's the insane promotional Tactics? We are damn sure none of t you would have ever thought about it. However, now stop promoting your site online and try to utilize these tactics. These ways are very much limited because one cannot match others imagination. Try out some ways, and do comment about the response that you revived  Don't forget to leave your Insane way of promotion. Take care till then, Peace, Blessings and Happy promoting.


The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).

Comment With:
Choose Wisely!


January 12, 2013 at 12:12 PM

Lol. This Advertising ideas are totally insane :)

January 12, 2013 at 12:19 PM

Wow... free and very funny ways to promote the blog.

January 12, 2013 at 3:45 PM

lol verry funny. Am from nigeria I need traffic on my blog.. Pls any help?

January 12, 2013 at 9:15 PM

Oe ik or method bhi hai, write on public bath doors! boht kuch likha hota ha logon ne udhr :P

January 12, 2013 at 9:43 PM

hahahaha, i cant stop laughing ! gr8 insane ways ,but not applicable for everywhere!

January 12, 2013 at 10:16 PM

lol really seems insane

January 12, 2013 at 11:08 PM

oh hell! Thats actually meant for pirate sites!!!!!! :P Why do this when we have SEO?

January 12, 2013 at 11:36 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
January 12, 2013 at 11:38 PM

Nice Sharing Keep it Up
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January 13, 2013 at 1:00 AM

These are the most craziest ways i have ever seen.But really like this post.

January 13, 2013 at 9:43 AM

here are a few more insane ideas:
1) while travelling in bus or mini bus write your website name (like mine is www.pollutionpollution.com) on the backside of the backseat that is infront of you
2) going into an office write the name of your site in addition to your name at the entry register
3) if you have a latest mobile develop tag line in each of your sent message as your website name
4) Grab the chance of free message service on valentine day or on other occasions in local newspapers that do offer such service. Here instead of writing (for example) www.sarmayakar.com just write sarmayakar dot com otherwise they wont publish it
5) If you travel in train don't miss the chance to write behind your seat or at the top of the side window

Editorial Team MOD
January 13, 2013 at 10:29 AM

LOL, Awesome one. I would also Include them in the Article :)

Editorial Team MOD
January 13, 2013 at 10:41 AM

Thanks for the Suggestion. We would also add that in out LIST :)

January 13, 2013 at 2:17 PM

All ways related with 2000 years before B.C.!

January 13, 2013 at 9:26 PM

Its Really insane, syedbhai .... People can go to such awkwardness...i couldn't imagine .. by the way this is my first post in the blogosphere ..


Do comment..!

January 14, 2013 at 5:16 AM

Hi Syd, I want to know which languages and scripting should i learn so that i can pe a master in BLOGGER..And also tell me the books for CSS And Java Scripting...I am confused when i go to book depot.
And YOu are a pro. webmaster and you have a great knowledge..

Editorial Team MOD
January 14, 2013 at 7:37 AM

Well, Google is your Book. :) I Always use it to learn things.

Select Few Blogs, and try to read the whole content. IT would help you to grow your Blogging Skills.

You should Learn CSS, HTML and JavaScript.

Hope that Helps. Peace

January 14, 2013 at 10:15 AM

hi syed....i have a problem... the VERTICAL SOCIAL SHARING FLOATING BAR which i added on my site , like count are not correct ... Can you tell me how to add a HORIZONTAL FLOATING SOCIAL SHARING BAR ..


Editorial Team MOD
January 14, 2013 at 10:20 AM

Yap, Get the Horizontal Social Bar from Here. Peace


January 14, 2013 at 11:57 PM

ha ha ha ha @Syed. it is very funny promotion tips. I like your this tips "Shouting on Streets".. it is Awesome :)

Rahul Kashyap
Blog: SDMMovies.com

January 17, 2013 at 2:14 AM

Nice work buddy really helpful info..

5 Useful Social Media Tips For Bloggers

January 20, 2013 at 12:13 PM

very helpful ....

February 12, 2013 at 9:34 AM

Lolx :) Really nice & insane tips for site promotion that take no time nor money for promoting your site.

I really like it :)

February 21, 2013 at 5:33 AM

Lol. This Advertising ideas are totally insane :)


July 15, 2014 at 7:39 AM

I cant believe i never thought of these. I'll tr them now.

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