Forcing HTTPS on all Free BlogSpot Domains Blogs

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In the past, we have showed you how to enable Free HTTPS Support for your Blogspot Blog. However according to the latest news from, you may not need to enable HTTPS support manually for your blog anymore. All your current non HTTPS blogs would automatically be changed to HTTPS coming April as state by Blogger. This means all BlogSpot blogs would be provided with a free SSL Certificate automatically whether you opt for it or not. Previously, it was up to the webmaster to decide whether to use HTTPS or not. In this article, we will talk about Forcing HTTPS on All Free BlogSpot Domains Blogs.

Following is the notification we received on our Dashboard:

Coming in late April!
All visitors will be able to view your Blogspot domain blogs over an encrypted connection by visiting https://<your-blog> Existing links and bookmarks to your blogs will continue to work. As part of this change, the HTTPS Availability setting will disappear, and your blogs will always have an HTTPS version. 

If you login to your account, you will be also able to see the above message. We have also attached a screenshot below for your assistance:
Note: This service is only for Free domains, custom domains hosted at Blogger would continue to function as they are working. There will be no FREE SSL HTTPS support for custom domains.

Now this might create some sort of concerns for webmasters but we are well aware of the fact that blogger has its limitations. Looking at the bright side, this new change will bring more secured experience to your users and it also has its impact over search engine optimization.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, it is a secure version of HTTP. The addition of "S" means secure, the data that is sent between a server and a user is secured (encrypted) and cannot be hacked or access by a third-party.

What are Benefits of HTTPS?

When it comes to search engine ranking, Google gives more importance to HTTPS sites than HTTP sites. Having a secure connection gives a stronger message to the search engine that you give importance to your site security.

This is the reason why sites which have a secure connection might run a little better than the other sites which doesn’t have a secure SSL connection.

Whats Next?

Now your all non HTTPS URLS i.e. will be automatically redirected to There will be no SEO or traffic loss. To be honest, it is indeed a great move but it would have been great if Blogger can also provided the same support to custom domains as well. However, we can only hope and see if that happens in future. Let us know about this change and your opinions below.

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).

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Choose Wisely!


April 11, 2016 at 12:18 AM

Howdy Faizan :)
I want to do guest posting for your website. I have been regular staff of your website and explore your website content with daily bases.
Please allow me for guest posting :)
Shakir Hassan

Editorial Team MOD
May 27, 2016 at 11:35 PM

Google will automatically redirect http to https so there is no need to change.

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