Now think about how cool it would be when people will speak to search posts in your blog rather than typing long sentences. Yes! You got it right. In this post we will be telling you how to add voice searchwidget in your blog.After providing you with a number of different ways to customize your blog, here we come again with a new feature that is called Voice Search.
Voice Search is a voicemail service which lets the users to know their queries by speech instead of writing, because nobody has got time for that. It will give your blog a more professional look.
In this article, we would be telling you about the feature ‘Voice Search’, its advantages and how to add it to blogger. In this article, we will show you how to add voice search widget in blogger.
Why to Add Voice Search in Blogger?
Now the question arises why should we add voice search? Well, here you go! It has been reported that half of the teens (aging from thirteen to nineteen) use voice search instead of typing the whole thing. It actually shows the need of voice search. Who does not want to do their work in the most easiest and time saving way? Voice search lets you to speak your mind and eases your hardships. Adults claim voice search to be a Tech savvy. It is however assumed the longer your query is, the more chance you have got for the incorrect interpretation; although there is nothing like that. Voice search goes hand to hand and comes handy in most aspects.How to Add Voice Search In Blogger
Now after knowing so much about Voice Search, you might be wondering how to become its benefactor. Well, inserting voice search is a piece of cake. You do not have to wait much long nor is there any need of pages long coding. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps and get your work done within minutes.NOTE THAT VOICE SEARCH ONLY WORKS FOR CROME BROWSER AND ANDROID UPTILL NOW
Adding a voice search is just a game of few minutes. You only need to add a line to your search input in order to avail that facility.
First log in to your blogger account then go for dashboard
- After logging in, choose Template and then go for Edit HTML
- It is then followed by a popup window. A popup window will open, press CTRL+F for Windows.
- Now there will be series of different codes. You just have to add x-webkit-speech to the current search code which goes like this
<input class='field' id='s' name=”q” x-webkit-speech=”” x-webkit-grammar=”builtin:search” onwebkitspeechchange=”startSearch()” />
Preview your blog and you are done adding a Voice Search to your blog!
Now go and add a Voice Search to your blog as well and let your fans gain some benefits from it. We hope this article have helped you in learning how to add voice search widget in blogger. Share you thoughts in the comment section below.

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).
I don't any code like this. How to add this on my template?
Only for comments.
It will play a good part.
It must needs to be pointed.
Wow, great post.
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