How to Guarantee Increase your Alexa Rankings in a Week

In the past, we have already provided you some tips to increase Alexa rankings. However, sometimes those tips are hard to follow and even if you’re able to follow up correctly it doesn’t provides results quickly. Therefore, people are looking for ways that are not only easier to follow but also provide rapid results. Having a good Alexa rankings may not matters a lot for search engines but it does counts big when you’re looking for a potential advertisers. AlexaBoostup, is the exact solution to your all problems and your dreams of having a site with good Alexa ranking. In this article, we will show you How to Guarantee Increase your Alexa Rankings in a Week.

What is AlexaBoostup?

AlexaBoostup is a free online tool that helps you to get more targeted traffic to your site. This site provides points for surfing websites, once you have enough points you can use them to get traffic to your site which ultimately helps you to increase the Alexa rankings.

The majority of users which it sends to your site has Alexa toolbar installed in there browsers, which helps you to get a better Alexa ranking as quickly as possible.

You can earn points by surfing different websites or by referring a friend. You can also buy paid impressions, as they have a cheap price of 5000 unique impressions per $5. Its free, its paid and it really works.

How to Increase Alexa Ranking using AlexaBoostup?

The very first thing you need to do is to register a new account at, during registration it will ask all basic necessary information about you which should be filled accurately.

After registering for an account, you can login to the site to proceed to the next step.  Now you need to add your site, so that people can start visiting your site to help you increase your Alexa rankings. Go to >> Manage website >> Add New Website.

Carefully insert your website’s title and URL. You can allocate points to your site 1 point mean 1 visit. However, make sure you have points in your account, if you don’t then you can earn points by referring friends or surfing other websites.

You need to surf a website for 30 second to earn 1 point. It’s just like, you surf my site and I’ll surf yours. Once you have collected enough points, you can allocate them in your site to give a boost to your site’s rankings.

We hope this tutorial may have helped you to learn how to guarantee increase your Alexa rankings.  What do you think about Alexa? Does it really matters? If yes, then let us know about your opinions in the comment below.


The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).

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Choose Wisely!


December 22, 2014 at 2:33 AM

Won't it be against Adsense TnC ?

December 22, 2014 at 8:40 AM

Use of will it effect adsense or on SEO kindly tell me clearly

December 23, 2014 at 5:41 AM

My alexa no data and no link, what is the problem? could you help me please. you can see on

Editorial Team MOD
December 23, 2014 at 1:57 PM

It has no bad effect on SEO, people visit your site for 30 seconds so that makes a good score for time spend per page.

Editorial Team MOD
December 23, 2014 at 1:58 PM

It takes a month to start showing data for new sites.

Editorial Team MOD
December 23, 2014 at 1:59 PM

Nope, it is not against Google Adsense TOS, because it provides you real users not robotic traffic.

December 23, 2014 at 8:31 PM

But Adsense block excahnge traffic

December 23, 2014 at 8:33 PM

Wonderful Share!!


Editorial Team MOD
December 24, 2014 at 3:51 AM

It is bad when you ask for Ad Clicks.

January 11, 2015 at 11:41 PM

Is there any limit for getting traffic in alexa boostup? Because i wanna use it in my blog Ahsan Cy

January 13, 2015 at 6:08 AM

Alexa Boostup send dozens of traffic to my site today. It doubled my visitors. Please clear my mind about the referrals. The website automatically closed after thirty second refer from boostup, its mean that visitors are real but they do not really want to read in site or visit in site, but only ranked their sites and earn points they are visiting just for thirty second. The visitors not reading any single lines in site. Is these are legal?

January 17, 2015 at 9:54 AM

Bro what are the requirements for getting a site approved by BSA.

January 25, 2015 at 6:59 PM

Faizan bro, Can you Please Write an Article on Requirements for Getting a Site Approved by BSA.

Editorial Team MOD
January 27, 2015 at 7:30 AM

Yes it is totally fine. a Ready nearly takes 30 seconds to read somethign so thats average and nothing is bad.

Editorial Team MOD
January 27, 2015 at 7:36 AM

Please check this article:

January 27, 2015 at 7:39 AM

Bro that article is more than 2 years old and I'm talking about today :) Just give me some information about Alexa rank etc.

Editorial Team MOD
January 27, 2015 at 7:45 AM


The tips are pretty much the same for today too.

Look at this article, old too but tips are still the same

January 27, 2015 at 7:48 AM

Okay Thanks,

July 2, 2015 at 12:25 AM

Very Useful tutorial !!

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