The First thing you need to login into your blogger account and go to Template >> Edit HTML. Now in the template coding search for </head> an just above it paste the following piece of Javascript and CSS coding. (We are not adding the CSS code separately because it will save your time and would give fair enough same, productive results).
#countdown_def {
height: 100px;
width: 230px;
margin: auto;
margin-bottom: 30px;
ul.countdown_default {
margin: 0px;
float: left;
padding: 0px;
ul.countdown_default li {
display: block;
background: #fff url('') no-repeat left top!important;
width: 50px;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
float: left;
height: 70px;
margin-left: 5px;
padding: 0px;
.timeRefDays, .timeRefMinutes, .timeRefHours, .timeRefSeconds {
width: 50px;
ul.countdown_default li span {
font-size: 22px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #fff;
line-height: 72px;
position: relative;
ul.countdown_default li span::before {content: '';width: 100%;height: 1px;position: absolute;top: 31px}
ul.countdown_default li p.timeRefDays,
ul.countdown_default li p.timeRefHours,
ul.countdown_default li p.timeRefMinutes,
ul.countdown_default li p.timeRefSeconds {
margin-top: 1em;
color: #909091;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 10px;}
<script type="text/javascript">
/*MBL jQuery Countdown Widget*/
(function(b) {
function n() {
var b = document.createElement("canvas");
return !(!b.getContext || !b.getContext("2d"))
b.fn.countdown = function(d, p) {
function q() {
currentDate = Math.floor(((new Date).getTime() - e.offset) / 1E3);
f < currentDate ? (null != a.callback &&, "undefined" != typeof r && clearInterval(r)) : (seconds = f - currentDate, days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400), seconds -= 86400 * days, hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600), seconds -= 3600 * hours, minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60), seconds -= 60 * minutes, "knob" != ? (0 != a.format && (days = 2 <= String(days).length ? days : "0" + days, hours = 2 <= String(hours).length ? hours : "0" + hours, minutes = 2 <= String(minutes).length ? minutes : "0" + minutes, seconds = 2 <= String(seconds).length ? seconds : "0" + seconds), g.text(days), h.text(hours), k.text(minutes), l.text(seconds), 1 == days ? g.parent().children(".timeRefDays").text("Day") : g.parent().children(".timeRefDays").text("Days"), 1 == hours ? h.parent().children(".timeRefHours").text("Hour") : h.parent().children(".timeRefHours").text("Hours"), 1 == minutes ? k.parent().children(".timeRefMinutes").text("Minute") : k.parent().children(".timeRefMinutes").text("Minutes"), 1 == seconds ? l.parent().children(".timeRefSeconds").text("Second") : l.parent().children(".timeRefSeconds").text("Seconds")) : (g.val(days).trigger("change"), h.val(hours).trigger("change"), k.val(minutes).trigger("change"), l.val(seconds).trigger("change")))
var a = {
skin: "countdown_default",
fallbackSkin: "countdown_default",
option: {
day: {
max: null,
eClass: "days"
hour: {
max: 23,
eClass: "hours"
minute: {
max: 59,
eClass: "minutes"
second: {
max: 59,
eClass: "seconds"
dateStart: null,
dateEnd: null,
format: !0,
callback: null
}, e = {
timezone: !1,
offset: 0
d && b.extend(!0, a, d);
p && b.extend(!0, e, p);
var f = (new Date(a.dateEnd)).getTime() / 1E3,
m = (new Date(a.dateStart)).getTime() / 1E3,
c = (new Date).getTime();
if (isNaN(f)) alert("Invalid or null dateEnd mm/dd/yyyy. Example: 12/25/2013 17:30:00"), b(this).append("Invalid or null date mm/dd/yyyy. Example: 12/25/2013 17:30:00");
else if ("knob" != || null != m && !isNaN(m))
if (m > c) alert("Starting date is greater than the current date"), b(this).append("Starting date is greater than the current date");
else {
!0 == e.timezone && (e.offset = 36E5 * parseInt(e.offset) + 6E4 * (new Date).getTimezoneOffset());
c = b(this);
"undefined" != typeof d.option && "undefined" == typeof && ( = {}); = b.extend(!0, {},,;
a.option.hour = b.extend(!0, {},, a.option.hour);
a.option.minute = b.extend(!0, {},, a.option.minute);
a.option.second = b.extend(!0, {},, a.option.second);
"knob" == && n ? ( =, c.append('<input class="' + + '" type="text" value="0" data-readonly="true" /><input class="' + a.option.hour.eClass + '" type="text" value="0" data-readonly="true" /><input class="' + a.option.minute.eClass + '" type="text" value="0" data-readonly="true" /><input class="' + a.option.second.eClass + '" type="text" value="0" data-readonly="true" />'), = "." +" ").join("."), a.option.hour.eClass = "." + a.option.hour.eClass.split(" ").join("."), a.option.minute.eClass = "." + a.option.minute.eClass.split(" ").join("."), a.option.second.eClass = "." + a.option.second.eClass.split(" ").join("."), = Math.floor((f - m) / 86400), c.find(, c.find(a.option.hour.eClass).knob(a.option.hour), c.find(a.option.minute.eClass).knob(a.option.minute), c.find(a.option.second.eClass).knob(a.option.second)) : ("knob" == || n ? c.append('<ul class="' + + '" ><li><span class="' + + '">00</span><p class="timeRefDays">Days</p></li><li><span class="' + a.option.hour.eClass + '">00</span><p class="timeRefHours">Hours</p></li><li><span class="' + a.option.minute.eClass + '">00</span><p class="timeRefMinutes">Minutes</p></li><li><span class="' + a.option.second.eClass + '">00</span><p class="timeRefSeconds">Seconds</p></li></ul>') : ( = a.fallbackSkin, c.html('<ul class="' + + '"><li><span class="' + + '">00</span><p class="timeRefDays">Days</p></li><li><span class="' + a.option.hour.eClass + '">00</span><p class="timeRefHours">Hours</p></li><li><span class="' + a.option.minute.eClass + '">00</span><p class="timeRefMinutes">Minutes</p></li><li><span class="' + a.option.second.eClass + '">00</span><p class="timeRefSeconds">Seconds</p></li></ul>')), = "." +" ").join("."), a.option.hour.eClass = "." + a.option.hour.eClass.split(" ").join("."), a.option.minute.eClass = "." + a.option.minute.eClass.split(" ").join("."), a.option.second.eClass = "." + a.option.second.eClass.split(" ").join("."));
var g = c.find(,
h = c.find(a.option.hour.eClass),
k = c.find(a.option.minute.eClass),
l = c.find(a.option.second.eClass);
if (f > (new Date).getTime() / 1E3) var r = setInterval(function() {
}, 1E3)
} else alert("Invalid or null dateStart mm/dd/yyyy. Example: 12/25/2013 17:30:00"), b(this).append("Invalid or null dateStart mm/dd/yyyy. Example: 12/25/2013 17:30:00")
After installing the JavaScript and CSS Paste this code anywhere you would like to display the Countdown widget. For example if you want to display it somewhere in the sidebar then, go to Blogger >> Layout >> Add a Gadget > Add HTML/JavaScript >> And paste the following code in the text area. Same goes with Posts and pages.
<div id='countdown_def' class='timerArea' ></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#countdown_def").countdown( {
dateEnd:'11/12/2014 18:01:30',
callback:function(){alert('Def Ready')}
Remember: Do not forget to customize the date and time of your counter widget because this would be the main thing which will operate it. From the above code, search for 11/12/2014 18:01:30 and replace it with your personalized date and time for the timer widget.
Congratulations: You have successfully learned how to add a countdown timer widget in blogger. Now go and check out your site to see if it works according to the plan or not.
NOTICE: This widget required 1.7+ jQuery.js file. In case you are using old jQuery file, make sure you upgrade it to 1.7 or plus. For Example:
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
We hope this tutorial helps you in learning how to add a countdown timer widget in blogger sidebar, posts, pages and home page. Do let us know what are you thoughts and opinions about this unique plugin which we have showcased today.
About the Editorial Team
The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).
hello sir . nice post But I want to know something else . I want a button kind of thing , which on pressing loads FB comment system . so , at first look there should not be the Comment system , but if user presses the button , it should load . Got something like that ?? . And I blog at
great tip Syed!
Its some what liked tabbed Commenting system? We have here Google+ and Blogger
You Mean AJAX Loading like In Disqus Commenting System
Ye Mod
Check this article:
This is really great jquery countdown timer. Thanks for sharing this.
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