Advantages of Facebook Comments in Blogger
Facebook is the most viral social networking site, so it might be the reason why one should always think about making use of all the features that it provides to the publishers and developers. However, I would not push anyone to start using Facebook comments without knowing its advantage. Every site has their own priorities and concerns but for the sake of an ongoing argument, let us first take a look at the following pros of adding Facebook Comments in Blogger.Whenever someone likes or reply to their comment, Facebook sent an automatic notification to user. The author or other users might also receive the same notification if they are following the topic.
Unlike Google+ and others, it provides multiple commenting options. For example, if someone is not a Facebook user then he can use his Yahoo, AOL or Outlook id to comment on your website, so your visitor never gets locked out.
Whenever a registered user is caught spamming, Facebook automatically treats him with a security code while the rest of the loyal visitors keep on commenting without any worry. If that spammer didn’t even stop then, Facebook holds the authority to disable him from commenting.
Disadvantages of Facebook Comments in Blogger:
You are totally depending upon Facebook. Though it is a reliable brand, but sometime minor glitches happen. What would you do if Facebook suffers some down time. Since, all the scripts you are using is hosted on Facebook, so you never know when the comments get disappear.Nonetheless, it is unlikely to happen because Facebook is a well-known site with quality backup server. However, you never know what would be the next thing to come.
How to Add Facebook Comments in Blogger:
Step#1: Creating a New Application:The First thing you need to do is to create a separate App ID for your application and that can be done easily through Facebook Developer. Login to your Facebook account and go to Facebook Developers website. This places allow Developers to manage their apps hosted at Facebook, click on Create New App button.
A Small pop out will appear which would ask you to insert little information about your application. There are two fields, write the App name and press the continue button.

Step#2: Installing Facebook Comments in Blogger:
The First thing you need to do is to Login into your Blogger account. Now from the dashboard go to Template >> Edit HTML and search for the following highlighted HTML attribution. (Quick Tip: This code is usually present at the first lines of your template’s coding).
<html ...... xmlns:expr=''>
Now just next to the highlighted code (as shown above) add xmlns:og=''. Once everything is down, it would somewhat look like this. (Quick Tip: Make sure you leave a space between these two codes).
<html xmlns:og='' ...... xmlns:expr=''>
Now you need to search for the <body> Tag. After finding it, just below it paste the following code. Make sure to replace the YOUR_APP_ID with your Facebook application id.
<div id="fb-root"></div><script>window.fbAsyncInit = function() {FB.init({appId : 'YOUR_APP_ID',status : true, // check login statuscookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the sessionxfbml : true // parse XFBML});};(function() {var e = document.createElement('script');e.src = document.location.protocol + '//';e.async = true;document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);}());</script>
Now you need to add Facebook Open graph Meta Tags, We have written a detail tutorial on it that can be viewed from here. However, search for </head> and just above it paste the following code. Make sure to replace the YOUR_APP_ID with your Facebook application id.
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID" />
Step#3: Adding Facebook Comments in Blogger:
Last step is to implement Facebook Comments using the HTML Code. In the template, search for <b:includable id='comment-form' var='post'> and just below it paste the following HTML Coding. Incase, you are unable to find <b:includable id='comment-form' var='post'> then you can paste it just below <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'></div> (Make sure you repeat the process because there are more than 1 tags on you theme).
<b:ifcond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><divstyle='padding:20px 0px 5px 0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;'><scriptsrc=''/><div><fb:commentscolorscheme='light'expr:href='data:post.url'expr:title='data:post.title'expr:xid=''width='550'/></div></div></b:if>
Note: You can also customize the widget of the comment box by adjusting 550 the numbers in the below code.
Congratulations: You have successfully learned how to add Facebook Comments in blogger blog. You can also preview your posts to see everything is working in an order or not.
We hope this tutorial has helped you in adding Facebook comments in blogger. Are you using Facebook comments in your blog? If yes, then please take few minutes to tell us about your experience in the comments below.

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).
Awesome bro, I have applied it on my blog and its working like a charm :)
dear Team ,
Please release widget for blogger ,facebook, google plus comment together .
Further also release a trick how we can measure/track link given in related widget or link list or popular post etc in Google analytics
Thanks, your steps are simple unlike the once have been seeing.
finally i have been waiting for something like this!! YEAH!
Very nice tutorial. Your blog is really amazing.
very nice bro
Works Perfect on my blog
great post ! I think read on of the best post.....................thanks
Please its returning an error msg on my blog when I try to apply it
"Error parsing XML, line 4, column 1: Element type "html" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
Please what do I do?
Try Re-applying the whole tutorial. You have gone wrong, somewhere!
Hey this is not working.
I tried it in my blog
Im using simple template.
just follow all steps.
my fb app is gsvipinnair
please help me to get out of the unknown trouble.
i deserve this comment box.
Dear sir how to enable comments notification
Here's how you can enable comment notification
I cant find the body tag, only <body
Please help
thanks man it works fine
Thank you, it works but only moderator can see all comments together, otherwise it shows only one (the last one) comment. Can you please help?
Link for my Test blog
It is right after the </head>
Are you following the instructions correctly?
Should the app ID go between the single inverteds? or should I get rid of it just put the app ID (a series of numbers)?
it doesnt show fb comment on my blog ..i applied correctly html code but it cannot open facebook comment box ..what should i do
Error parsing XML, line 5, column 4: Element type "head" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>"
please what is the solution ?
That has something to do with your template not FB Comments
I followed the steps, but nothing happens. Can you tell me if this facebook comments box it`s in conflict with disqus, which is currenty installed on my blog?
Please make sure that your Facebook APP is not the the "StandBox"
Please be sure you are closing the tags properly
Just Replace YOUR_APP_ID with your ID no need to remove anything elese. Hope that was simple! Cheers!
Please makesure your FB APP is not in the sandbox! Thanks!
Hi, i follow all the step but still the same nothing happen :(
Hello, first lof all this is really I was looking for. Well, I followed the step and checked if my app in sandbox or not. Everything is okay but nothing appears on my blog :/
Can you help me?
Have you inserted your Website URL? in the APP. Please check
Please makesure you have entered your Website URL in the APP Settings
I have the same problem with Hakan
For some reason FB doesnt allow me to add website url in the app
You can do that by editing your APP. If you need insturctions let me know
Can I clarify that we should include the blog name in the field "Website with Facebook Login"?
Blogger sometimes shows the blogspot blogs with either .com or with country extension, does it matter which one we use?
No, You just need to enter you BLOG URL one time. No need to add URL in that box.
No result for me. I see nothing.
What is Sandbox? It is Enabled ...what should i do then...please describe it clearly
Hi, I tried really hard, but it did not work. Sandbox mode is disabled, html codes are at the proper place and fine,but may I ask, where the URL should be put on Facebook Apps page?
1.) To the Basic info at FB page Settings -> Basic tab? (App domains)
2.) Or below that, to "Select how your app integrates with Facebook" -> after checking "Website with Facebook Login" or "App on Facebook"?
Thanks in advance!
I Think you are not pasting the code correctly in you template. Because in blogger template there are two <data:post.body/> tags so you need to paste the code mention in the step#2 below all the <data:post.body/> you found.
Also provide your blog url
You are applying it on Blogger? then you can follow our instructions mentioned above.
Go here
Select your APP >> Edit Setting
You will see
Sandbox Mode:
Enabled Disabled
Disable it and "Save"
Make sure, its not in Sandbox it should be disable
Make sure you are pasting the code. Because in blogger template there are two <data:post.body/> tags so you need to paste the code mention in the step#2 below all the <data:post.body/> you found.
Also provide your blog url
i will try
Thank u for the easier steps..I followed it and saved, No error message but the COMMENT BOX is not appearing on my blog posts at all.
Pls what do I do?
Make sure, its not in Sandbox it should be disable
Make sure you are pasting the code. Because in blogger template there are two <data:post.body/> tags so you need to paste the code mention in the step#2 below all the <data:post.body/> you found.
Also provide your blog url
Blog Not Found!
Nothing Happened Admin No Error No Problem But On Blog Comments Didn't Appear :(
Its Appearing fine dude? Check the screenshot yourself
Very workly.....
thanks a lot guys.....
very nice.....
me, on my blogger doesn't working... i dont't know why but i think i have done and followed the instructions very carefully...
awesome! works like a charm! thanks!!
Can you provide your Blog URL? so i can look into it
Does this still work? I used the same facebook app for 2 different blogs, does that matter?
Thanks Bro Its Work Fine :)
So far everything is good! Great! Thanks again for a great tutorial! Had some problems at first (using simple template) but tried a few options you gave me and at the end it worked for the posts... now would like to know if it's possible to put fb comment box on pages too. Thanks in advance!
I tried the code for my company website blogspot, and it is showing this comment
The widget with id "Blog1" cannot contain element: "b:if". A widget can only contain b:includable elements.
Please help..wat to do
Hey! can you make blogger, Google+ and Facebook comments together like blogger and Google+ are together!
at the last it worked with me
thank you very much
i fallowed a many instructions but no way
thank you again
my blogger is
Thank you...
Please help me! Facebook Comments only shows if there is no any comment using blogger! if someone comments using blogger, facebook comments system gets hidden!
Pls help me: check my blog:
please make a Video Tutorial, It always have an errors in my html, thanks :)
The widget with id "Blog1" contains a b:includable element which has no id attribute. All b:includable elements should have a unique id for a given widget.
what to do?
not work for me
i cant find disable sandbox option in app settings
You will get the option on Clicking on your APP Name.
Hi Team,
Thank you for sharing this tutorial, I'm using it for my blog and its working properly. Its easy to install less than 3 minutes only.
On which step you are facing this error.
On which step you got this error?
Nothing would be happened :(
Hei. I did everythink and it didn't work. There was no error...but i still don't have the facebook comment ...
Make sure your APP is not in Sandbox.
But comment box is displaying only for some selected post, not for all.
I can't understand why it is not displaying.
Blog URL =
I checked your site, Works just fine. Cheers!
What about Tumblr?
I applied your tutorial except that I want it place after the last paragraph of my post and I found a way to do it. But there seems to be a problem. My "Also post on Facebook" is NOT AUTO-CHECKED. Sometimes, it's ALREADY CHECKED and sometimes it is NOT. I also tried to comment in it using another Facebook account. After clicking "Comment", it will then display "This comment has not yet been published to Facebook. Publish comment" How do I make this automatic? I mean no confirmation required.
Here's the link to my blog:
I hope you would reply as soon as possible. Thank you.
How to fix "This comment has not yet been published to Facebook. Publish Comment" without clicking "Publish Comment"? What I mean after clicking "Comment", it should automatically be posted in their timelines?
Yes it will post your comment on your Timeline.
hello. i've tried it an it is working fine, However, i removed it because it's showing "like page icon on every post" in homepage. Can we possibly remove the like page? if so, pls let me know. Thanks! my blog is
It works on the first try, thanks :)
Worked perfectly, thanks
I need to use only fb comments, instead of google and fb comments. when I post a fb comment, it doesn't count the comment. blogger says NO COMMENTS. can I fix this?
Worked perfectly, thanks
Finally comment box is appearing on my site.. But how to get notifications of comments.
It working. Thank you!
It worked for me. Thanks.
Life Experience Degrees
Facebook comment activity. But I don't get notifications from it. Can you guide me to fix it
please i did not understand this statement:(Make sure you repeat the process because there are more than 1 tags on you theme)
Thank you so much! Works perfect on my blogspot:
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