1.Ammar Ali of Allbloggingtips.com:
Ammar Ali the man himself proved to be the most flourishing and successful young blogger of Pakistan. He lives in the capital of Pakistan that is Islamabad. He owns a Blog called allbloggingtips.com that is not more than 1 year old, but still the PageRank and blossoming Alexa Ranking speaks clearly that how well he has managed his site. Though, he doesn’t write actively on his site, but some splendid guest authors always bring some spicy topics for the audience. According to Ammar Ali, he is earning $600 per month from Affiliates, which is indeed a brilliant score for a teenager.
2.Hammad Baig of Techtutshub.com:
Perhaps, the softest blogger is Hammad Baig of Techtubstub.com. He is known for his simplicity and kind nature. He is not only earning some bucks from blogging, but he has also setup a small company that is grossing quite a few clients. He also lives in the flourishing city of Karachi. According to him, he is earning around $700 per month from his blog. The Alexa ranking and PR tells us why he stands at the 2nd SPOT.
3.Raheem Khan of Known.PK:
The youngest, most adoring, and my favorite young blogger is Raheem Khan. Our little champ lives in the beautiful city of Quetta. Believe it or not, his age is just 15 and yet he is able to pull off tons of organic traffic to his website. He is the founder of Known.PK. His site is not more than 6 months old. His PageRank is way better than any other blog which are listed in this list. Astonished? According to him, he is making $500 per month through AdSense and direct advertising.
4.Ehsan Ullah Khoshbakht of Guideandnews.com:
If anyone spends most of his time is doing a research over his upcoming articles, then we would not do justice if we would not mention Ehsan Ullah Khoshbakht of guideandnews.com. His each and every article consists of comprehensive information. This is the reason why his overall Alexa Ranking is fairly better than many other websites. According to him, he is generating $400 per month through affiliate marketing. He spends most of his childhood in Karachi, Pakistan. However, not he is living in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
5.Mujahid Rana of Humortexts.com:
Mujahid Rana is the funniest guy to hang out with and one of my best pals. He lives in Sialkot which is known for its sports goods. He may own a small looking Trolling blog i.e. Humortext.com, but don’t rate it on its ranking because believe it or not he is earning more than all bloggers that we have mentioned in the list. According to him, he is earning $1000 per month. Amazed? You should be. He should be on the top of the list but since his site is a pictorial website. Therefore, he is at our 5th SPOT.
6.Haider Afridi of Skfanclub.com:
When we talk about establishing an entertainment based site it always looks like an unprofitable act. However, Haider Afridi had some other plans instead of covering a whole lot he started a fan club on his favorite Bollywood actor “Salman Khan” and named it Skfanclub.com. Believe it or not, his fan club has more than 317000 (317k) Fans. According to him He earns $250 per Month. He has also started a new venture where he predicts the success rate of upcoming Bollywood movies i.e. hpbolly.com. He also owns a very popular YouTube Channel where he host a show in a form of video reviewing and giving critics about the upcoming bollywood movies (vlogging). He is Pakistani from his origin but lives in Kuwait.
7.Mairaj Pirzada of Guideplease.com:
He may look small from his looks but certainly know all the tricks of blogging. He works as editor-in-chief at Guideplease.com and also owns his personal site where he writes about his personal on-going adventures. Perhaps, he is the second youngest guy in our list. The only reason why he stands here is due to the hard work he had done. We cannot forfeit his passion about blogging. He also lives in my city the city of lights one and only Karachi.
8.Salman Baig of Rockpaki.com:
Another smart and dashing young guy to date with is Salman Baig. He not only has bold looks, but he also owns a blog that is super-efficient. According to him, he is earning through advertisements and affiliates. He is soon starting his new venture regarding Search Engine Optimization. For that, he has already purchased a domain and has extended its expiry date to 10 years. Amazing?
9.Muhammad Irshad of Trickscentral.com:
Perhaps, he is the upcoming young Pakistani blogger. He owns trickscentral.com where he writes about the latest trends in technology. His website is not even more than 2 months old and yet he is able to attain a respectable Alexa Ranking. He is also from my home city Karachi.
10.Hamid Roshaan of Techtapper.com:
Hamid roshon another young guy from Pakistan, who has just landed in the blogosphere and yet he is able to attain the respect from his readers. The site may not look so gigantic in terms of ranking but still he has fair knowledge about blogging. It’s just a beginning. He is from Raheem Yar Khan, located in the province of Punjab, in Pakistan.
Saad Naeem of SEOallrounder.com:
If this article was published about 7 years ago, we would surely include Saad Naeem as the finest and the youngest Blogger of Pakistan. However, His age is now 24 but still this article would look dull if we would not mention him in this list. Saad Naeem is an addictive Blogger. Among his readers, he is commonly known as “Mr. All-rounder” because of his all-round skills in blogging as well as in online business. Though, he is earning much more from his other website but from SEOallrounder.com he is generating around $400 per month. He belongs to Pakistan but spending his life in Dubai, UAE.
From the Editor's Desk:
It almost took a week or so to collect all the information about the webmasters that are listed above. We would also cover bloggers from other countries too from upcoming days. Those who think they should be in our list then Please we are extremely sorry for not including you. Please, add your URL in the comment and our team will assist your site and would include it in our list. What are your thoughts about the list? Take a lot care, till then, Peace, Blessing and happy blogging.

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).
Thnx Dude for including me :-)
M way behind currently ;)
In my Eyes, You are Way Above them all. The Way you are working on your sites and on YouTube its really Admiring Buddy. Keep up the Good Work :)
Thanks Faizan for including me in the list.
I am really thankful to you bro!
Its Pleasure, Buddy. I hope next time you would Top The List. Hopefully, Inshaa ALLAH
Insha ALLAH :)
Thank you for Mention Faizan Bro
Jazak Allah
You Deserve it Buddy. Keep up the good work
Thanks a bunch @Syed Faizan Ali for adding me in your list =)
Fantastic kids with superb brain. Follow my blog too yea! hehehe
p/s: I'm from Malaysia
please post top 10 indian bloggers also.
Where Is Syed? MBL should be on top!!
Where i am? :(
If i had added myself in the list. People would say. Here we go again, another Self-Proclaimed Pakistani Guy . My Few Friends told me to add myself but its not fare i guess with other.
Hopefully someone else would do that before it gets too late.
Yes, Surprise for All Bloggers. Indeed
You Deserves to be at the top of the list but because of Alexa and PR we ranked you on 5...We wish to see you on the top Buddy.
Yeah, These kinds are Fantastic. Surely Would like to cover Malaysians Bloggers Some Day.!
There is always a Next Time Mate! Don't be dishearten.
Would Soon Cover them Too Hopeful. However, for that I need help from my Indian bloggers to help me finding the finest webmasters.
Agreed with Muhammad Arfaat
If you think we have done injustice with you Provide the Following details. We will add you in the list
Your AGE:
Earning Per Month:
Glad to see the list. Many Thanks! for including me in the list.
Well honestly, I don't deserve to be in the list with the Great Bloggers like Ehsaan and raheem.. I think you should be on top in the list of young bloggers. Well, Thanks for considering me. May God Bless you.
Aaaaaahhhhhh!, Someone teach me please how to be on top???
Brother faizan! how can i make a border radius for my Headings?
Make a list of young Blogger from India . I am 13 years old . :) And have better Alexa than most of the sites mentioned here .
Congratulations to All. good luck.
Really awesome Brother
Keep it up Bro and Hope to see my blog here Next Time
Inshaa ALLAH
Commenting to say I ain't of 15 any longer, push it a bit. And I mean a bit.
Thanks, buddy.
Congratulations to all of the Top 10 bloggers.I hope in the future more teen age blogger comes and make blog a better place
congrats HAMMAD BAIG
You Deserves the Spot. Buddy!
I Guess you are right we should remove you lol :P. Joking, you deserves the spot. And that 10 Year Domain extension tell us why you will be a PRO webmaster sooner :)
Here is the CSS Coding For Round Border Heading
.post h3 {
border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;
border-top-left-radius: 6px;
border-top-right-radius: 6px;
border: 1px solid rgb(40, 109, 164);
clear: both;
color: #2e6886;
font-family: 'Carrois Gothic SC', sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
letter-spacing: -1px;
line-height: 22px;
margin: 0px 0px 5px;
padding: 3px 7px;
Yup, my next aim is to create a List for Indians.
I Don't think so check out the Alexa Ranking properly
Ammar Ali: 11k
Hammad: 33k
Mairaj: 35k
Ehsan: 35k
Even though we have not given first priority to Alexa Ranking :) You know the reason it can easily manipulated.
Its our pleasure Buddy! Young Guns like proves why Pakistan has prominent Future ahead :)
We have Updated your Age issue
Wow.. Congarts to all of you..
Greetings from Jay Ryan of www.MoreBlogTools.com
Waooww Masha-Allah I wish all blogger should come to top. Just know Haider Afridi Bhaijaan - Hardworking and salute him :)
Syed Faizan Ali Bhaijaan thanks for this super post with not including yourself in list- Salute to you also :)
blogging in Pakistan is surely done at a very good level I must say and youth are doing well for themselves monetarily as well as in term of rankings :) Keep the good work on!
-Shikhil, hackingtweaks.com
@syed faizan ali ! please tell me that is it neccessary to add "AUTHOR" meta tag in my blogger site?
Hello faizan i was not in the list above :P (joking)
Really nice work faizan, and i think you are in the top of this list without any research :)
Like your way of writing searching and mentioning any thing an such an easy way that compel a person to donont leave & read the whole article
One more thing.
Can you replace that "tricks" word with something else? It sounds offensive. I hope you can afford the favor.
Your AGE:18
Alexa 79K
PR 4
Earning Per Month:35-40K Rs.
Email us your ID Card that has your full birth date.
@ contact.mybloggerlab.com
kamal kertey ho apna cnic kon deta he :P
If you think I am kidding, than dude I am not. To get listed above you have to provide me proves that you Earn That amount and also have to give me proves that your age is 18. It depends on you how you Prove that.
We are doing this because anyone can stand up and Say, YO Man! I am 12 Year old, I earn 1000 Dollar Per Month, And I am From Pakistan. Seems Pretty Amusing well, its a wake up call.
We have some strict rules, Now its up to you mate. Either provide details/proves or its up to you.:) Peace
I am very much pleased with the collects of the young bloggers of Pakistan.And i am inspired a lot from this blogger.I have a suggestion that please make a list of Top Youngest Indian Blogger Too :) I would really enjoy it ...
- Bishal Biswas
O come on man there is no young blogger from Lahore, Pakistan? O wait, I'll be one in no time Insha-Allah. I'm sorry SYED FAIZAN ALI you have to moderate your article sooner :P
i have done my bs in software engineering but yet having no job because i know very little about asp.net and i m hopefull to got an internship.
these guys really inspire me and i want to come to this field. should i start blogging or should i manage blogging with my internship.plzzz comment.....
You just need to go through our archive pages. You can start your own blog for what absolutely FREE.
Go to Blogger.com. Create a Free Blog.
Get Traffic and Place ads on it, and start earning
It looks pretty simple but you need to work extremely hard because it is not that simple than it looks!
No one knows about me :p I am a Blogger since the last days of 2011.
Now, I am 15 years old Blogger, content writer. Currently running two .com domains/sites. :(
I am Waiting to add you in the list of Youngest Bloggers ;)
Ahmad, Best luck for future.
Will Add you in next article :)
Okay, waiting for next article. :)
http://apk4hack.blogspot.com/ Cheakout I am 16 years old i proved this blogger in one month..My Name Noman Khokhar
Hi Faizan & Team,
The list, you have compiled for young Pakistani bloggers is awesome and inspirational. I am sure that other bloggers from around the globe will definitely get some inspiration by reading your post.
Keep up the good work.
Sabrez Alam
My age is also 14, site is getting ranking with 3 articles.
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