Creativity has enormous
significance when it comes to skill your Blog with dedication and perfection. Preferably
a faultless design symbolizes our Blog as it’s the art which shines in the eyes
our visitor, and hence we continue to uphold professionalism. The Sticky Navigation
or Scrollable Bar that we introduced previously was whole heartedly welcomed.
Since then all had been searching for an ideal Sticky Bar that is equipped with
Hide button or Cancel button, which has the capabilities to conceal the displayed
bar. Possibly every one does not enjoy viewing that fixed or irremovable bar.
So they do deserve the functionality which would allow them to hide or remove
the bar. While surfing on one of mine favorite Blogging websites I was able to
discover a well styled Sticky bar. I just opened the chunk of code and recoded
the whole widget and finally it worked, bang on target. I am eager to share
this widget, so let’s roll our fingers on our tutorial.
Preview: I know you are excited to view this widget. Just look the the top of your screen and you will notice a sticky bar following you.
Features of MBL Sticky Bar:
- Has stylish and sleek bar capable of interchangeable color
- Easy to Customize, and built with easy to use interface
- Optimized with ultra speed technology
- Has elegant look with dismissible button
- One minute integration with any platform i.e. Blogger
How to add MBL Sticky Bar With Distillable Button:
Unlike our previous sticky bartutorial, the steps are in fact trouble-free that even a 7 year old kid can handle
it with perfection. In this tutorial, we will talk about each and every thing
from adding it in our Blogger Template to its customization. The steps are pretty straightforward just do
as follows and you will find no error whatsoever.
- Step# 1: Go to >> Your Blog >> Template
- Step# 2: Now just Backup your template in case any thing goes wrong
- Step# 3: Then just press Edit HTML >> Proceed
- Step# 4: Search for the following
- Step# 5: As soon as you find it just above it Paste the following CSS styling code
background:#333 url('') repeat-x;
margin:0 auto;
padding:0px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;
-moz-box-shadow: #666666 0px 1px 3px;
-webkit-box-shadow: #666666 0px 1px 3px;
box-shadow: #666666 0px 1px 3px;
z-index: 999;
height: 28px; position:fixed;
line-height: 1.85em;
vertical-align: baseline;
letter-spacing: 1px;
font-family: arial,"Helvetica",sans-serif;
#mbl_bar a{
#mbl_bar a:hover{
#mbl_bar p {margin:0; list-style:none;}
#mbl_bar img {vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: 6px;}
- Step# 6: Now to insert JavaScript code just search for </head> and paste the following code above it
<script type='text/javascript'>
var mbl_arr = new Array();
var mbl_clear = new Array();
function mblFloat(mbl) {
mbl_arr[mbl_arr.length] = this;
var mblpointer = eval(mbl_arr.length-1);
this.pagetop = 0;
this.cmode = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat") ? document.documentElement : document.body;
this.mblsrc = document.all? document.all[mbl] : document.getElementById(mbl);
this.mblsrc.height = this.mblsrc.offsetHeight;
this.mblheight = this.cmode.clientHeight;
this.mbloffset = mblGetOffsetY(mbl_arr[mblpointer]);
var mblbar = 'mbl_clear['+mblpointer+'] = setInterval("mblFloatInit(mbl_arr['+mblpointer+'])",1);';
mblbar = mblbar;
function mblGetOffsetY(mbl) {
var mtaTotOffset = parseInt(mbl.mblsrc.offsetTop);
var parentOffset = mbl.mblsrc.offsetParent;
while ( parentOffset != null ) {
mblTotOffset += parentOffset.offsetTop;
parentOffset = parentOffset.offsetParent;
return mblTotOffset;
function mblFloatInit(mbl) {
mbl.pagetop = mbl.cmode.scrollTop; = mbl.pagetop - mbl.mbloffset + "px";
function closeTopAds() {
document.getElementById("mbl_bar").style.visibility = "hidden";
- Step# 7: Now to finish search for <body> and just below it paste the following HTML structure code
<div id='mbl_bar'> Your Text And Links Will Be Written Here
<span style='padding:0px; float:right'>
<img align='absmiddle' border='0' onClick='closeTopAds();return false;' src='' style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;'/></span></div>
To change the font size replace 13px
To change the color of the sticky bar simply replace #333
To Increase the height replace 28px
Replace "Your Text And Links Will Be Written Here" with the anchor links and text which you want to display in the sticky bar.
- Step# 8: After customizing, simply press Save button. Now just go and view your blog and it will give a photo-finish effect.
From the Editors Desk:
So guys I think this is enough
for today, you can use this widget without facing any sort of difficulties. To catch
more attention of your visitors use it purposely, try to feature those posts
which are of higher quality. This widget can be used to setup a notice for your
visitors. Well in an ideal world it can be utilized for any purpose, depends on
needs. Give your suggestions about the
sticky bar? Do drop your comments till then peace, blessing and happy sticking. We love what we does and credits to MBT

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).
nice sticky bar, keep it up,
Recent Post: SmartBOT
Thanks friend :-), nice post
What should we search in step 4??
Thanks Mate, Post has been Updated. However, You Need To Search ]]></b:skin> While Rest Steps Remains the Same. Peace and Blessing Pal.
nice post but, Sorry sir, your title must, "create an auto. . . ." :)
I'll recommend this post, it can help you. .
Tips to Write A Good Blog Post Title
@Jie Muñoz
Thank For your Suggestions, But the Post you have Pointed "Tips For Titles" Is originally Written by Me For MBT (MyBloggerTricks) as a Guest post. You have Simply Copied it. Having a Good Faith Please Either add our Source Link Or Remove it. Other wise we have to Complain it to DMCA. Peace And Blessings
good Share Lot Thanks To MBL
Brother Faizan I was Searching this tutorial & I find it ☺ but brother I have some Problem in finding body tag in my templete so I hope you help me brother ☻
Sir How To Add Links In This..
@Subul us Sallaam
We're Certain that you Liked it! Yeah sure Buddy I Would be More Then Happy to Help you out. Just Dispatch a Detailed Email. Peace Buddy.
@sunil bishnoi
Brother I have Also Mention in the Tutorial. Just Replace "Your Text And Links Will Be Written Here" with the anchor links and text which you want to display in the sticky bar. Peace Buddy
how to make it to the bottom???
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