But Blogger does not seems to have a real way to create a custom 404 redirect page as blogger has its own limitations until this tool was introduced.In Previous days if we had a blog powered by Blogger we usually get annoying message when we visit a page which is restricted,either deleted or unavailable (404 Not Found)
Let us consider you published a post at your blog hosted by blogger and some one shared your post on his blog with trackback link to your blog but for some reason you deleted the post.Now you will not receive the reward of Page Rank juice from the trackback link just because it is not found,when ever visitors will click on that link they will land no where in your blog and will see a old style 404 Not found page error as shown:
But now just after the current Blogger Tool update we can easily design our very own 404 not found page,we can attach images,scripts,CSS to make it look lot more attractive.But with the limitation of 10K maximum characters allowed.
>Create Your Custom 404 Not Found Page Blogger
- Go to Blogger.com >> Settings >> Search and Reference
- Click Edit link next to Custom Page Not Found
- Inside this text editor simply type your message that you want to display if your reader's land on a page which does not exists
You can write any message inside this text editor you can experiment some HTML codes but it will look dull until we add CSS.So a combination of CSS + HTML will gave perfect results.After applying all the styles CSS with HTML hit save button and now go to an illogical page at you blog example www.mybloggerlab.com/404-(Preview It)
So That's How we can create custom 404 Page.Don't Worry soon we will publish 404 Not Found Page Styles so you can make your 404 page more attractive with out getting any stress till then peace blessings and happy optimizing.

The Editorial Team of MyBloggerLab consists of a group of Professional Blogger geeks Led by Syed Faizan Ali (Founder of MyBloggerLab).
It seems that these 404 problems are more of a dynamic caching problem and thus to the frustration of many bloggers where no re-directs are fixed without using a third party utility. As a web design consultant, I recommend wordpress as a more stable blogging platform.
@Daniel Rooney
Well in My Personal Thoughts About WordPress VS Blogger. I Think Blogger is More Superior Then WordPress as it provides Bulk of Advantages. From Free Hosting To The Perfect SEO it has every thing which a blogger needs. This Does not Mean i am Against WordPress it has its own advantages but I prefer Blogger. Thanks Buddy Peace
Yeah right. www.pinoycybershop.com
yess it good friends .. wellcome..
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